Artistry in Smile Design

Cosmetic Dentistry

It is our privilege to provide people with the smile of their dreams. Your smile design begins during your Custom Smile Design Experience and involves a comprehensive evaluation of your facial structure, your gums, teeth, and lips as together we plan a smile that is artistically balanced to bring out the best in your features resulting in a truly healthy smile. It is far more than just placing veneers or implants – it is a highly-precise method that produces superior results.

To be a really good cosmetic dentist you have to also be an artist and that is why I have built an entire team comprised of artists in the dental field. A team that works together closely on each and every patient.


Porcelain veneers are one of the best ways to finally have the smile that you’ve always wanted. Not all veneers are created equal and we believe that you should only have the best. That is why we work with the best artists to create every smile we design. During your Custom Smile Design Experience your doctor will review your smile goals and let you know if our superior porcelain veneers are the best option to create a flawless, brilliant smile for you.


Prepless veneers are another way of transforming your smile with less prep than porcelain veneers. During your Custom Smile Design Experience your doctor will review your smile goals and let you know if Pearls, our specially crafted, ultra-thin veneers, are the best option for your smile.

Who is a Candidate for Prepless Veneers?

Pearls (or other type of modern, no-reduction veneers) may be the most effective option for certain people, based upon factors such as tooth shape, alignment, shade of teeth and other variables. Often good candidates are those who already have fairly straight, white teeth and are mainly trying to close small spaces or create slightly larger teeth or teeth that are tucked back or small.

A Dental Facelift?
It’s Possible.

Another way our anti-aging dental treatments can transform your facial appearance is by adjusting the bite. The bottom third of the face, including the teeth and jaw, provides support and acts as a foundation for your facial features. Over time, this support starts to collapse. Our scalpel-less facelift techniques allow us to readjust a patient’s bite without orthodontics, increasing comfort and addressing concerns such as teeth grinding and jaw tension. The teeth then better support the upper lip, lifting the cheekbones and returning a youthful fullness to your facial structure.

What is Anti-Aging Dentistry?

The term “middle-aged mouth” refers to the aesthetic of a smile with mismatched restorations (old crowns, bonding, or veneers). For a more youthful appearance, veneers can be placed to restore and lengthen teeth. The lengthened teeth add volume, pushing out the lower lip, reducing the appearance of unsightly lip lines. Lastly, the shade of the teeth is carefully selected and crafted for a natural, more youthful look that brings back a more youthful, fresh, and inviting smile – one that you feel proud to share.


Cosmetic bonding is one way to achieve the smile you desire. It involves placing tooth-colored composite material onto the tooth to create a more pleasing look. It is used to produce small cosmetic changes, like repairing chips, cracks, or flaws in teeth.

Because of the instant results and affordability, it is a great alternative for many other more extensive cosmetic procedures. Dental bonding can be completed in one visit and creates an instant result. It can be used to address the following concerns:

  • Repairing small chips

  • Restoring a broken tooth

  • Lengthening short teeth

  • Close spaces and gaps between teeth

  • Reshape teeth

  • To cover heavy staining

  • Fix imperfections on the tooth’s surface

No Impressions, No Waiting

The advantage of bonding is that it is an affordable and conservative way to restore a tooth. No impressions are required, and you will not be facing any waiting time. However, if you have teeth that are extensively damaged, or your dentist thinks other dental issues may affect the success and longevity of cosmetic bonding, other options, such as crowns and veneers, may be a more appropriate way to restore your smile.

Cosmetic bonding is a treatment in which a specialized, tooth-colored composite material is applied to resculpt the shape and surface of a tooth that shows damage or is unsightly due to discoloration. The tooth is artistically shaped by our skilled cosmetic dentist, and then hardened and polished.

For the tooth-colored material to be “bonded” to your teeth, the surface of your teeth need to be treated are gently prepared for bonding by applying an etching material that provides better adhesion for the resin. This part of the procedure is painless. After the tooth has been prepared, the bonding material is applied, sculpted, and then hardened with a special light, after which it is polished.

Dental bonding has many advantages, including:

  • Less expensive than some other types of dental restorations.
  • Immediate results – no waiting, with about one hour needed to restore a single tooth.
  • No anesthesia required for most cases.
  • Conservative restoration

If you have a minor cosmetic dental issue you want to resolve easily, quickly, and affordably, cosmetic bonding may be right for you. Your teeth can be reshaped, recontoured, and your smile made more attractive and pleasing in a short dental visit. While bonding is not as durable as veneers, the treatment can quickly repair smaller cosmetic concerns.

To keep your cosmetically bonded teeth looking brilliant, always drink water and rinse your mouth after drinking wine, coffee, or tea. They function normally, but we recommend being cautious to not bite down too hard on anything.


Custom Smile Design Experience with Whitening

Do you long for a whiter brighter smile? Our Zoom whitening treatment is one of the most effective systems for professional teeth whitening. It utilizes a powerful whitening gel and LED light to remove stains and create a brilliant, white smile. You can look camera-ready with your beautiful smile while relaxing in our spa-like atmosphere.

When it comes to your smile, you want to make a lasting impression. In order to feel that way, you need a beautiful, healthy smile. The problem is, something about your teeth is keeping you from feeling confident in your smile. One way to gain that confidence is with a brighter, whiter smile. That is why we created our Custom Smile Design Experience with Whitening!

It is built around combining your smile goals with our expertise. And it all happens in one of the world’s most luxurious, comfortable dental spas, where we focus on creating a truly positive experience.

Teeth whitening strips and whitening toothpaste may remove some surface stains from your teeth, but in most cases, these treatments produce minimal results. Stains embedded in your teeth cannot be removed with these products. We use professional-strength bleaching gel that penetrates below the surface of your teeth remove deeper stains. It will even lighten the natural pigmentation of your teeth to make your smile the brightest it has ever been.

We will first examine your teeth and gums to determine if they are healthy enough to benefit from teeth whitening. Next, we will evaluate the stains on your teeth, which will influence the success of whitening process. In some cases, whitening is not the best choice – it is all about what you, as a person, require. Our doctors have the expertise to determine the most effective treatment for you to get the results you want.

Zoom® is a professional-strength bleaching gel that releases oxygen in your teeth to break down embedded stains. For most people, the Zoom process is an easy experience.

  • We take impressions of your teeth for customized bleaching trays that you can use for further whitening at home and for and touch-ups.
  • We protect your gums, then brush a small amount of Zoom® whitening gel onto each tooth.
  • We shine a Zoom® LED light on them for about 15 minutes, which activates the gel and intensifies its effectiveness.
  • This process is repeated 1 to 4 times.

Each whitening session, which usually takes between one to two hours progressively breaks up stains and brightens your smile. Your teeth will be up to eight shades whiter!

A Perfect Solution


Align your teeth with precision – and in half the time of traditional braces while enjoying a world-class dental spa that offers an exceptional experience. Invisalign aligners have become the “gold standard,” in teeth straightening as they are virtually invisible – a perfect solution for both adults and teens.

Many tooth alignment problems can be resolved with Invisalign custom aligners. This advanced approach has the following benefits:

Eat what you want, when you want.
No metal.
No wire.

Atlanta Center for Cosmetic Dentistry offers Invisalign braces to beautifully straighten your teeth in half the time of traditional braces — invisibly.

No brackets.
Gradually, invisibly, shifts your teeth into place.

Custom Invisible Braces: Invisalign.

The pictures, diagnostic studies, and treatment plan will be delivered to the Invisalign laboratory, so they can create the customized aligners for you. It is a set of aligners, each of which slightly shifts your teeth into place, when used in sequence. This groundbreaking treatment makes it possible to have a beautifully-aligned teeth without the stress, visibility, and limits on what you can eat that go along with metal braces.

Invisalign is orthodontic treatment with metal-free, clear braces that cannot be seen by others in a normal conversation. A series of clear aligners are custom-created by with an advanced computer program, so they fit precisely over your teeth. They have a snug fit and gently shift your teeth into alignment. Invisalign can treat a variety of issues, including:

  • Gaps
  • Crooked teeth
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Crossbite
  • Overcrowding
  • Rotated teeth

Once it is determined that your issue can be successfully resolved with Invisalign, a 3D model of your teeth is created so your custom set of aligners can be manufactured. The model allows us to estimate how long your Invisalign treatment will take, and the number of aligners required to complete it. We will show you the difference in how your smile will appear once the treatment is completed.

Our Atlanta Invisalign process is simple and straightforward. It starts by meeting with you, so we can evaluate your tooth alignment problems, and hear what you hope to achieve. We will examine your teeth and take impressions, X-rays, scan your mouth, and take photographs to ensure you are a good candidate for this treatment. Your custom set of clear aligners are manufactured, after which you will see us in more visits to monitor progress.

When you receive the aligners, you will wear them almost the entire day. You only take them off to eat or to floss and brush your teeth. In the process, you will wear each aligner set for two weeks. Although each new set of aligners will loosen after a few days, don’t switch to a new set prematurely. Your teeth require time to adjust to their new position. You will return to our office for periodic checkups. At the end of Invisalign treatment, your smile will be gorgeously transformed.


We can transform your smile – and your life. Full mouth reconstruction doesn’t just create a beautiful smile it creates a healthy, better functioning smile. If you have teeth that are worn, shifted, missing, or broken, this complete transformation can give you a beautiful smile that looks and feels like your own.

Our Atlanta full mouth reconstruction is the customized restructuring of your teeth to improve the health, function and aesthetics of your smile. A full mouth reconstruction may be needed when many teeth are worn, broken or missing, causing bite problems and affecting the appearance of your smile. The most common solutions to these problems are porcelain crowns, veneers, inlays, and bridge work. Full mouth restoration is a systemized approach to restoring all your teeth at the same time. Our team of doctors strives to create smiles that are beautiful and natural looking.

Look Younger and Feel Better with a Full Mouth Restoration

This wear on your teeth in combination with deteriorating dental work creates an appearance that can leave you looking older than your years. Beyond the aesthetics, a poor bite can cause jaw joint problems, muscle tenderness, and headaches.

You may have your new smile the same day! Full smile restoration can be completed in as little as one or two appointments. During the preparation phase, any old restorations and decay are removed, and impressions are made of the underlying healthy tooth structure and beautiful temporary teeth are created. These temporaries are worn until your treatment appointment, typically in about three weeks. This appointment involves removing the temporaries and bonding the final porcelain restorations.

This comprehensive treatment is appropriate to correct a combination of the following issues:

  • Broken teeth
  • Decayed teeth
  • Worn teeth
  • Teeth shifted out of place
  • Missing teeth
  • Uneven teeth

Your Atlanta full mouth reconstruction will be a comprehensive treatment designed to fully restore your smile and the natural, healthy function of your teeth.

If you have teeth in poor health or that have worn over time, you should consider this procedure. You most likely lost some of the tooth structure if your teeth appear short, show signs of wear, or if your top teeth nearly or completely overlap your lower teeth. Full smile restoration is an ideal solution.

Other signs of damaged teeth worn to the point of being too short – are symptoms such as pain in the joints located near your ears, headaches, back pain, muscle pain, clicking and or popping of the jaw joints. The vertical dimension is restored by physically building up the biting surfaces of all teeth. A porcelain dental material is used to enhance the height of teeth.

Many people put off treatment too long or are unsure whether there is any hope – we’re here to tell you that there is. When you visit with us, we do all we can to make your experience truly extraordinary. We take great pride and joy in being able to help people who have extensive dental problems to finally look and feel their best. As a full mouth reconstruction can require a little as two appointments, our patients tend to be thrilled to discover that in just a few short weeks, their dental problems will be solved.


A beautiful smile is like a work of art – the lips are the frame, the gums are the matting, and the teeth are the featured subject. Just as with a work of art, you don’t want the matt to overpower the art. Or in this case, your smile to be unbalanced by too much gum showing. By combining the artistry of cosmetic dentistry with gum contouring we can achieve stunning results.

What Is a Gummy Smile?

Much like the cuticles on your fingernail, the gums can cover tooth structure, making your teeth appear shorter and wider – and less attractive. While a manicure makes nails look so much better, a gum lift is a permanent solution. When the proportion of gum to tooth are unbalanced, it results in a smile that appears to be mostly gums, or a “gummy smile.” Do you dream of having a more attractive smile? We can help.

Gum Contouring: An Artist’s Approach

In recontouring your gums, artistry plays an important role in the final outcome. Whether your teeth appear too long or too short, at Atlanta Center for Cosmetic Dentistry, we can help You can trust us to restore your smile and bring you the joy and satisfaction of knowing your smile is attractive, natural, and brilliant. Talk to us today and discover what cosmetic dentistry can do for you with a gum lift – our results have led to a reputation for excellence in cosmetic dentistry. Call today for a consultation at our luxurious Atlanta dental spa.

A gum lift, or gum contouring, is a procedure where a laser is used to remove gum tissue covering the natural tooth structure. The removal of this excess tissue actually increases the amount of tooth that is visible, bringing about superior facial balance. Gum contouring can make the teeth look longer, larger, and better proportioned.

If you feel you have a gummy smile and are considering a gum lift in Atlanta, meet with our professional team of skilled dental experts evaluate your gums, and ensure they are healthy, and that this procedure is the best way to create a more attractive smile. Our cosmetic dentist will evaluate the gum line, assessing which areas need contouring and how to achieve a more attractive smile. The procedure is quick and nearly painless.

If you are considering a cosmetic dental treatment, including a gum lift, you want to ensure it is performed correctly. As your gum tissue is going to be resculpted to be more attractive, there is a great deal of artistry involved in this procedure. Our team of accomplished cosmetic dentists has garnered a reputation for their excellent work in a range of cosmetic enhancements, including gum lift treatments. Beyond the exceptional care with which your treatment will be performed, it all takes place in a luxurious environment that was built around creating a pleasurable, positive experience, no matter what procedure you are having performed.

While a gummy smile is the most common cosmetic problem that can be solved beautifully with our Atlanta gum lift, other common aesthetic problems that can be corrected with a gum lift or “gingival contouring” include uneven (asymmetrical) gums contours, the loss of papillae (small amounts of gum tissue between your teeth) and to resolve exposed root surfaces.

Are you ready for the smile of your dreams?

Smile Design is a truly unique experience that blends artistry with science to help you achieve a brilliant, healthy, attractive smile. While you enjoy the serene, spa-like atmosphere our team will pamper you from your Custom Smile Design Experience until you walk out the door with the stunning smile of your dreams. Your Smile Design will blend our artistic approach to cosmetic dentistry with the highest level of skills and training to ensure your smile goals are met.